PHP training in Laxmi Nagar, PHP training in Delhi & Delhi NCR provided by UCPL, Laxmi Nagar. We provide IT trainings based on corporates standards that helps students to be prepare for industries. UCPL offers best PHP training in Laxmi Nagar, UCPL is one of the best result oriented PHP Training Institute in Laxmi Nagar, offers best practically, experimental knowledge in PHP training in Laxmi Nagar. At UCPL, PHP training is conducted by 6+ years of experience in managing real-time projects. UCPL, is providing basic and advanced level of PHP Training in Delhi with live projects with 100% job placement assistance with top industries.
Introduction, Basic PHP Development, Control Structures, Functions, Working with The File System, Working with Forms, Working with Regular Expressions, Introduction to Database, Cookies, Session, Disk Access, I/O, Math and Mail, WordPress, Joomla (CMS & Web Application Framework)
Offers best PHP training and placement in Delhi well classified PHP modules, UCPL feels proud to announce that more than 1000 candidates are placed from our Institute in last 15 years.
Smarty (Library for Creating HTML Templates), AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), Web Services, Mock Interviews, Advanced PHP, AJAX, MySQL, OsCommerce, PHP Real-time Projects, PHP Web 2.0, Moodle
What is this course about?, Why PHP Training is so importent?, Who should do this course?, Name some tools which are used in web development field.
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